Tuesday, June 5, 2007

USD/JPY is playing

Opened a new short position on usd/jpy as, according to the chart, notes are being played now from the other side. Note from where the previous candle bounced off. I am late by 10 pips as I just woke up - you could enter at the current candle open. Well, I am there anyway. Still short swissie and long eurodollar. We'll count the beans later, alright?


Dropplan said...

Hey Tamkras,
Great job on your Swissie & JPY trades. Been following you faithfully here and on FF. I like how you "listen to the music" and read your "sheet music". I would love for you to just give me a hint on how you read the music as my style is in a way similar ...called "symmetry". Also,what time zone do you live. Me... (EDT)

Dropplan said...


Tamkras said...

Thanks, Dropplan. USD/JPY nicely touched the note on line B. I am sure you can hear this wonderful music!

Tamkras said...

To Dropplan:

My time is EST as I live in Toronto, the city where people like Canadian Dollar as its exchange rate moves faster than taxi's on Yonge Street.